
Leadership Program

Learn today, Lead tomorrow


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What is Davern’s Leadership Program?

Davern’s Leadership Program is designed to teach young people what it takes to be a peer leader in an outdoor context. The program aims to prepare young people to mentor, teach and lead their peers and younger campers on adventures. In essence, Leadership Program at Davern produce great counsellors armed with many traditional and transferable skills. Enrolment in each each program is limited, and exists on a first-come first-basis.

Please click to review the behavioural expectations prior to enrolment.

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Leaders In Training (LIT)
(Age 15)

The LIT program is a four-week adventure that focuses on the hard and soft skills of the camp experience. Candidates work to achieve skills in outdoor educational pursuits, as they work on canoe and tripping skills, and strive to earn their emergency first aid as well as Bronze Cross and/or Bronze Medallion in swimming while at camp. The program includes a 7-day canoe trip through one of Ontario’s Parks. The Leadership Candidates live in Davern’s A-Frame village, where as a group, they will encourage each other to shine, building character, self esteem, patience and empathy.
The program is coordinated by a dedicated Leadership Director, a senior camp staff who mentors the candidates in the ways of outdoor adventure.

Dates: June 30 2 – July 26 &
July 28 – August 23

Rate: $4,695

Junior Counsellor (JC) – July Only
(Age 16)

Our JC program is the final step in the leadership program at Davern. This four-week focussed program pairs the completion of certifications and qualifications, with hands on experience working with campers in the community. JC Candidates take on an actives leadership role, while working towards their Standard First Aid, Level C CPR and National Lifeguarding Certification. In addition to national certification recognition, JC’s receive 40 hours of community service for their time over the month. Candidates will build upon their experience from the LIT program, focussing on a leadership curriculum that is built on communication and team work. The Leadership Candidates live in Davern’s A-Frame village, for half the month and in cabin for the other half.

Dates: June 29 – July 26

Rate: $4,695
junior volunteer counselor program
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