Conditions of Employment 2023
At Camp Davern, staff members are expected to operate ethically, responsibly, and with integrity. We trust that you will live-up to this expectation. Certain Camp rules are non-negotiable as they are considered to be essential for the safe and successful operation of the Camp. All staff are role models of health and safety, placing lasting impressions on the children and youth of Camp Davern. All staff are expected to abide by and help to enforce the Camp rules and policies. Failure to comply with the rules of Camp Davern can result in immediate dismissal.
All staff are to abide by the recommendations and regulations set by the camp and public health with regards to the control of COVID-19.
Rapid Tests may be required upon arriving to camp, however Camp Davern will be constantly reviewing and updating its COVID-19 and health policies to reflect the reality of the situation in the province of Ontario.
- If you hurt a child, leadership candidate, another staff member or yourself by will or neglect, you will be released from your contract immediately and paid on a pro-rated basis. This refers to emotional hurt, physical hurt or inappropriate sexual harassment or interference.
- You are responsible and obligated as a staff member to report any harassment, bullying, unusual behaviour or incidents to your supervisor whether or not it has been dealt with or not. You may be released from your contract immediately if you fail to do so.
- If, in the opinion of the Camp Director, damage is caused through neglect or willful abuse to individuals, equipment or supplies for which you are responsible, the replacement cost (if applicable) for such damage will be deducted from your salary. Cases of willful abuse may result in the termination of your contract.
- Staff must maintain a professional attitude at all times. This includes professional and appropriate language and actions.
- Staff cannot be in intimate relationships with clients while they are under Camp Davern contract period. A breach of this rule will result in termination of contract and possible criminal charges.
- Staff members will not talk or communicate the following to any clientele (includes students, campers and leadership candidates) about:
-personal issues of sexuality or specific sexual acts,
-alcohol consumption,
-“parties” or drug use,
-personal matters or confidences, issues or concerns with other campers, leadership candidates, staff members or the camp administration,
-other matters that seem inappropriate or unprofessional for a client to be involved with. - If, in the opinion of the Camp Director, a staff member at any time is so disruptive or irresponsible as to jeopardize the welfare of any campers by any degree, the safe operation of the Camp or the Camp’s reputation, that person shall be dismissed immediately.
- It is understood by Camp Davern that you have made no previous commitment or implied commitment to any other job during the course of your employment with us.
- Please remember that you are always a representative of Camp Davern while in its employment whether or not you are on a day on or off. Being a positive role model will require you to refrain from talking about drinking, smoking, partying, sexual issues with or around campers or leadership candidates.
Assumption of Hiring
- All employees must have a criminal record check cleared and completed prior to their first day of contract. Camp Davern can arrange these checks through a company called Back Check. You will be charged a fee of $25 should you opt to use this this service. Reference Checks must have been done within the last 12 months.
- It is a basic condition of employment that each staff member will have a minimum standard of a standard First Aid and CPR-Level C throughout their employment unless an exception has been made in writing. Other certifications expected are on a position-by-position basis.
Payroll & Payroll Deduction Details
- Camp Davern will provide room and board to all residential staff. Room and board has been valued at $40/week for payroll benefit & income tax purposes. This amount will have already been deducted from any pay figure quoted to you. Exemptions for Room & Board can only be processed if the paperwork associated with the exemptions are complete.
- Contributions to the Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance will be deducted from your salary as required by law. Income tax will be deducted as directed by the appropriate documentation. The law requires that we deduct income tax from your salary unless you file a TD-1 form with us claiming exemption.
- All staff must provide a Social Insurance Number, their date of birth, their middle name and appropriate pay information prior to receiving their first paycheque.
- Each staff member will be provided with a Camp Davern staff uniform. Staff members are responsible to maintain and clean their uniform regularly to ensure it remains professional. Should staff lose or damage their uniform, they will be required to pay for a new uniform. Uniforms must be worn on first and last days of every session as well as any time your leave the property as a representative of the camp (i.e. airport pickups).
- All residential staff will receive the first of two paycheques at the end of the season on the day of departure. This paycheque will constitute on average 75-80% of the total earnings for the season. The second and final paycheque will be sent after all tuck deductions have been made and will constitute the remaining 20-25% of total earnings, minus any deductions. The camp reserves the right to withhold paycheques if damage expenses, completion of cleaning, tuck accounts, or other monies owed to the camp by the employee are outstanding. Furthermore, the camp retains the right to withhold a paycheque if an employee has not provided us with a social insurance number, current address and date of birth.
- Final paycheques will be given out after a clearance of cleanliness & tidiness of that individual’s living quarters.
- Any petty cash/tuck amounts or monies that are owed to the camp by the individual will be deducted from that employee’s final cheque.
- Pay advances will be considered on an individual basis by the Camp Director. These advances will only be considered IF the employee has a signed contract, the amount is for not more than a two-week period and the pay period dates that the advance is replacing are disclosed.
- Staff dismissed before their final date of contract (for any reason) will be paid within 1 week of their departure.
Life at Camp
- Camp Davern will provide each staff member with medical services to the extent of the Camp’s facilities. All over the counter medications, prescriptions and the cost of medical supplies are the responsibility of the staff. Staff who need medical attention for more than 36 hours or are deemed unfit, unhealthy or contagious by our health services staff must leave site until medical clearance is given by the Camp Davern Health Services staff in conjunction with the Camp Director.
- Staff members are responsible for their own bedding, sleeping bags, pillows and towels.
- Employment is conditional with some reasonable accommodations if appropriate. Staff should be free from communicable diseases that can be acquired through casual contact. A physical by a physician before camp is highly recommended.
- We reserve the right to limit ourselves to provide a vegetarian option (may contain egg and/or dairy) each time we serve meat. Any other dietary limitations must be supplemented at the time, cost and availability of the staff person and cannot take away from camper focused times. This includes but is not limited to: lactose intolerance, veganism, soy allergies, gluten sensitivities and dairy allergies.
- In compliance with the Ontario Camping Association, staff cannot accept tips for their summer camp work. Any donated dollars that cannot be avoided will be put into a fund for staff and will be used to subsidize the cost of a staff event.
- Health, accident, and personal property insurance are the individual’s responsibility. Camp Davern is not responsible for lost or stolen articles on or off site and branches or trees falling on cars.
- Any accident, incident or unusual occurrence must be reported to the Camp Director at once and followed up by written documentation by individuals involved. This includes but is not limited to accidents, injuries, and incidents incurred by staff members.
- Camp Davern shall not be responsible for any damage, loss or theft of a staff member’s personal property howsoever caused.
- All staff residing at camp will be expected to bring a properly fitting PFD and Fox 40 whistle with them to Camp for their use and at their own expense.
Staff Training
- Each staff will participate in staff training the week prior to the start of session one. Camp Davern requires all staff to attend staff training as a condition of their employment. Staff should not miss ANY training however special reasons such as exams, commencements or your own graduations may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Staff who are hired for May/June will be given specific date of arrival from the Camp Director.
Transportation & Pick Up
- Staff members are responsible for their own transportation (& cost) to and from Camp (first & last days as well as changeovers). This includes baggage transfer. If a camp vehicle is in town, we may arrange for pick up from a bus station but the staff members should make arrangements to get themselves to site. The camp will not pay for cab fare from bus stations.
Use of camp vehicles for time off is not allowed.
- Staff members are responsible for their own transportation (& cost) to and from Camp (first & last days as well as changeovers). This includes baggage transfer. If a camp vehicle is in town, we may arrange for pick up from a bus station but the staff members should make arrangements to get themselves to site. The camp will not pay for cab fare from bus stations.
Time off/ Days off
- Each staff member will receive one time-off period (2 days) each two weeks for the duration of his or her employment, excluding the Pre-Camp training period. If you must have a specific time-off period for any reason, this must be detailed in writing and sent to the Camp Director before the start of your employment.
- During the 2022 season to meet the requirements of public health, staff will be required to spend their day off on Davern property. Staff who remain on site must adhere to all camp rules and policies during time off. If there are extenuating circumstances for a staff to leave during their day off, they must notify and clear the reason with the Camp Director.
Visitors to Site
- During the 2022 season to meet the requirements of public health, visitors are not permitted on-site without the permission, in advance, of the Camp Director.
Any visitors who gain an exception must not enter camp buildings, must wear a mask and physical distance from others on site.
- During the 2022 season to meet the requirements of public health, visitors are not permitted on-site without the permission, in advance, of the Camp Director.
- Any staff member who is purchasing on behalf of the camp must have the purchase approved by the Camp Director or his/her designate prior to the purchase being made. The purchaser is then responsible to return receipts that have sales taxes broken out on them to the camp office immediately upon return to camp. Transaction records will not be accepted as receipts and reimbursement will not be made.
Resignation, suspension/dismissal or notice of termination of employment
- In the event of your resignation, you are asked to give the Camp Director two weeks notice and salary will be paid on a pro-rated basis to the time of termination. Resignation based on inconsistency with camp’s philosophy, leadership, direction or mission statement will terminate any contract agreement immediately with reimbursement made up to and including the date of resignation. No additional reimbursement will be made.
- The Camp retains the right to terminate this agreement at any time without notice if there is deemed to be just cause. In this event, you will be paid a pro-rated amount of the agreed salary as payment in full for all services to date of dismissal.
- If you are released from your contract you will be assisted in your packing up. We will have you off-site within half an hour or as soon as it is reasonably possible. You will not be able to say goodbye to other staff or your campers. If you are under 18 then you will have your parents called. If you are over 18 then you will be dropped off at the bus stop unless a vehicle is going near your home.
- In the event that the Camp wishes to terminate your employment without just cause, you will be given the equivalent of: One weeks notice or payment in lieu of notice and will be paid a pro-rated amount of the agreed salary as payment in full for all services to date. If the camp is to perform any layoffs of staff, they will provide a minimum of two weeks notice to staff.
Absence from duty
- If, as the result of illness, accident or a family/personal situation, you are unable to carryout your duties for a period exceeding one time-off period, you will be expected to forego your time-off period and/or receive a reduced amount of pay at the discretion of the camp.
- If you are ill or unable to carry out your duties for more than 36 hours, you will receive a reduced amount of pay for that week’s work. If the Health Services Director suggests convalescence longer than 36 hours, this will result in the staff leaving site within the first twelve hours until cleared by a medical professional (please note #6 & #12 above).
- While staff are hired to do a specific job as indicated on the contract(s), as a member of the Davern staff, you are expected to be a part of the team, and willing to help in all areas of camp operation as assigned by the Camp Director.
Camp Rules and Policies
- All laws of the Province of Ontario and the Dominion of Canada apply to staff whether in or out of Camp. Staff members are expected to abide by these laws.
- Staff members may not keep or consume alcohol either on Camp property or while responsible for any aspect of Camp program off-site. This includes but is not limited to vehicles belonging to staff members. It is further expected that no staff member will be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on Camp property or while responsible for any aspect of Camp program off-site. It is expected that no staff member will consume alcohol during a break from Camp that is not designated as time-off including changeover afternoons and any breaks granted for rest or personal time.
- Staff members may not keep or consume illegal or non-prescription drugs while on Camp property, responsible for camp programming off-site or during time-off while in the employ of Camp Davern.
- Camp Davern strives to be a smoke free site and Camp staff will not use tobacco, cannabis or vaping products of any type during on or off-site responsibilities connected with the Camp (this includes but is not limited to canoe trips). Tobacco, cannabis, and vaping products are not permitted on site and possession of products can be grounds for dismissal.
- Staff are representatives of Camp Davern. As such, all staff members must be appropriately groomed while in the employ of Camp Davern and assuming on or off-site responsibilities. Each staff member will:
a) Refrain from wearing any clothing that may be considered offensive and/ or inappropriate (depiction of/reference to sexual content, alcohol, drugs, etc.)
b) Refrain from wearing clothing that is excessively dirty, messy, ripped/torn
c) Look neat and tidy at all times. This includes: all hair should be kept trimmed and clean and should be pulled back from face, any facial hair or other body hair should be kept in well groomed condition. Staff are not allowed to make significant changes to their appearance during camp sessions.
d) Staff need to appear bathed and must be free from offensive body odours.
e) Refrain from modelling any behaviours that would be considered inappropriate according to our Pillars of Leadership.
f) Have personal affects which are in good taste and appropriate for a children’s setting. In addition, any body piercing must be safe for an active camp setting.
Internet Social Networking and Blogging Policy for Employees
Overall, Camp Davern views social networking sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) personal websites, and weblogs in a positive manner and respects the right of employees to use them as a medium of self expression.
If an employee chooses to identify himself or herself as an employee of our camp on such Internet venue, some readers of such websites or blogs may view the employee as a representative of spokesperson for the camp. In light of this possibly, Camp Davern requires, as a condition of employment, that employees observe the following guidelines when referring to the camp, its programs or activities, its campers and or other employees, in a blog or on a website.
- Employees must be respectful in all communications and blogs related to or referencing the camp, its campers and/or other employees.
- Employees must not use obscenities, profanity, or vulgar language.
- Employees must not use blogs or personal websites to disparage the camp, campers, or other employees of the camp.
- Employees must not use blogs or personal websites to harass, bully or intimidate other employees or campers. Behaviours that constitute harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to: Comments that are derogatory with respect to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, colour or disability; sexually suggestive, humiliating or demeaning comments and threats to stalk, haze or physically injure another employee or camper.
- Employees must not use blogs, networking sites or personal websites to discuss engaging in conduct that is prohibited by Camp policy, including but not limited to, the use of alcohol and drugs, sexual behaviour, sexual harassment and bullying.
- Employees must not post pictures of campers or other clients of the camp without obtaining written permission.
Although Camp Davern views social networking, personal websites and weblogs positively for self expression, we are concerned with how these sites may be accessed and viewed by our campers. As a result, we require, as a condition of employment, that camp staff filter and limit their social correspondence with campers when not at camp. All correspondence between staff and campers should be consistent with camp policy, and staff shall honour these conditions and policies for no less then 12 months after their employment at the camp. Failure to comply with this requirement is grounds for immediate dismissal.
Although internet communication is continually developing in popularity, Camp Davern prefers that if staff choose to correspond with campers outside of their time at camp, that they use written mail to do so.
***The terms of this agreement cannot be altered except by written amendment. A waiver by the Camp of a breach of, or the failure to enforce any provision of this agreement will not operate or be construed as a waiver or excuse for any subsequent breach of this agreement.
Staff Camp Life Details
TUCK ACCOUNTS: Staff receive all food tuck at no cost. Camp clothing items can be purchased at 25% – 50% off depending on the item. Tuck purchases will be deducted from your pay cheques at the end of the summer unless settled prior to departure.
CELL PHONES: Cell phones are allowed at camp, but not allowed during the day. Staff must leave their phones in the office at all times! Phones may not be taken to cabins for any reason whatsoever. Phones are not considered acceptable as music players in the cabin, nor are they allowed as alarms. If they are found outside of the office, they may be confiscated and donated or destroyed at the owner’s expense.
ELECTRONICS: We ask that if staff are going to bring ‘electronics’ that they be within moderation. You many bring a small portable speaker for music but please leave major ‘systems’ or ‘equipment’ at home. This is so that staff do not have to risk damaging their own property, and so that we have consistency throughout the cabins. Please be aware of our “no headphone policy” at camp. This is for safety precautions, so that staff can hear the siren if it goes off, and for better accountability in the cabins. Campers are not permitted to bring electronics to camp, and those who do will have them confiscated for the duration of their stay at Davern. We ask that staff help by setting the example.
Anyone wishing to bring a computer, or any other electronic to camp must request permission from the Camp Director. Staff computers will be kept in the Camp Office during the summer. A camp computer will be made available for staff use as well as an entertainment area for watching movies etc.
MUSIC: Staff are still welcome to bring their own music, but it must be camp appropriate. This means not just that it cannot have swearing, but that it is free of offensive, suggestive or violent content. Make sure you carefully screen your music collection. There will be zero tolerance for inappropriate music in the cabin. If cabins are heard playing inappropriate music it will be removed and penalties will be implemented. Anyone not abiding by this rule will have this privilege revoked. Earphones are not allowed as they limit your ability to react to emergency procedures.
MAIL: Snail mail arrives at camp each weekday and is delivered to cabin mailboxes. Mail is also taken to the post office every day, and can be dropped in the mailbox inside of the Camp Office. Postage can be purchased at the tuck shop.
EMAIL: Staff can be sent emails at camp through the Camp Davern account. Emails should be addressed with your first & last name in the subject line and sent to Please try to limit your incoming email to camp.
LAUNDRY: For the 2022 season, laundry may be done on site in the camp laundry facility. Staff will be schedule a time for laundry.
VEHICLES: There is a limited area reserved for staff parking. Any staff wishing to park a car at camp must speak to the Camp Director prior to your arrival at camp.
Staff Wellness
BREAK PERIODS: As an instructor you are allotted a break time when available and based on needs. All staff are provided down time throughout the day and a full schedule will be reviewed during staff training.
HEALTH SERVICES: Staff members will be able to access the Health Centre for minor injuries, and medical staff will be available for more serious ones. Seriously injured campers or staff will be taken to Perth Hospital. All staff members should have their health cards or health insurance information at camp because the clinic charges $75 for appointments without the card. International staff are subject to a fee for a clinic visit.
MEDICATION: All staff and camper medication is kept in the Health Centre under lock and key. There are certain exceptions to this rule which the Health Centre staff will review with you, but all over-the-counter drugs are to be kept in the dispensary.
FIRST AID KITS: Stocked first aid kits are placed throughout the camp property. Please regularly check the contents of first aid kits after use and restock them when needed.
Behavioural Expectations
Camp Davern has the following expectations of all (camper, staff, LIT’s, CIT’s and) persons when they are at camp:
- It is okay to be angry, but it is not okay to hit or hurt anyone or anything.
- We will ask you not to swear or pass remarks that could offend others.
- We will not allow campers, leadership candidates or staff to use tobacco, cannabis, consume alcohol, or use not specifically prescribed or non-prescribed drugs during summer camp (this includes laxatives & dieting pills).
- We will not tolerate bullying or picking on people.
- We will not allow pranks that are destructive to camp or personal property.
- Try not to borrow other’s belongings unless the item was offered for loan.
- Camp Davern reserves the right to inspect baggage.
- If you are male, you can only go into male cabins and are NOT PERMITTED in female cabins. If you are female, you can go into female cabins only and are NOT PERMITTED in the male cabins. Exceptions are made for appropriate work-related reasons only.
- We expect you to be ready & on time for activities, meals & program transitions.
- The Camp Davern staff will inform children who are interested in “dating” or “seeing” another camper that they can find out from their parents when they get home if it is okay to pursue this relationship. We will not allow campers to be involved in any type of intimate relationship while they are at camp and we encourage people to hang out in groups.
- When invited onto someone’s bed, campers & staff must remain seated on the guest’s bed, above covers and must leave the space when asked by the bed’s “habitant” or by a staff member.
- Welcoming new friends/guests is an expectation of all persons at Davern.
By signing my staff contract, I confirm that I have read and understand all the terms and conditions of my employment with Camp Davern.